Saturday, August 15, 2009

I wish doctors would listen more..

For a good 9 months now my Jra has been flaring but 6 of those months showed no inflammation indicator for my doctors to say well somethings not working. 3 months ago i go for my rheumatologist visit and explain tht i don't think the orencia is working i dont feel good! the answer well ur blood work from 3 weeks ago looks good lets wait and see about the orencia..HUH!!!!! 3 months later...I'm worse..I have to take pain pills everyday just to function, im tired and all i want to do is feel better! So i visit the doc yesterday and guess what the bloodwork from 3 months ago i had done after my visit SHOWED INFLAMMATION! For two months I got worse when i could be on a med by now feeling better! Uggghhh Ive had jra for 14 yrs now i think i kno my body by now...doctors listen to us! So now i'm trying a new medicine must be approved all of this means that i have at least another month til possibly any feeling better is gonna happen. although im used to this its never easy to just be in pain everyday all the time..all over your body. You almost don't want to breathe cause just doing that causes pain. I miss out on hanging with my friends and everyone thinks cause ur not well enough to go out that ur not well enough for them to come over. Thats a complete lie. If u have a friend or family member that is stuck home because of a physical ailment offer to come visit. it would make us happier than u know!
so for now i just have to wait and let the health system do their thing...I pray that the pain lessons be4 then and i can get back to pursue my acting and being with my friends.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Its Been A Long Time..

Its been almost a year since I last wrote and it has been a roller coaster of a ride. Summer was amazing filled with concerts and my first time to Camp J.R.A It is a camp for kids that have rheumatic disease.s Most of the kids have juvenile rheumatoid artrhtis like me. The camp and the people there were amazing. It is a place for kids with a disease but you go there and no one sees any diseases. It is the only place I have ever felt normal and im sure its the same for many of the kids and adults. The kids and their strength are remarkable! I wish I had the strength they have when I was their age. If any of you campers read this.. You are AMAZING!
Summer ended and so did my online schooling. At 22 I finally achieved my associate's degree in psychology. It took me a while but when I got really sick in Jan of 07 I didn't want the arthritis to delay anymore of my schooling. in the Summer I signed up with an online school and fought my way throught the weak and sore days to come out on top. In January 09 I continued my education for my bachelor's at Montclair State University.
Right now Im in my dorm room typing away. Although I am only two hours from my family in south jersey it is my first time really being on my own. Its exhilirating, new, but also still scary and a bit lonely. It's hard to have the new people you live with understand that im not in my room all the time because im a hermit but that im in pain, tired, and weak. My room is where I am most comfortable. Being up here at school has been a harder struggle because my arthritis is acting up. My fingers feel like rubberbands are wrapped around the joints, my knees feel like they could buckle, and my energy is nonexistent. Everything I planed to do up here is put on hold until I can get my health better. Combine my health issues with the work load of a full time student and you get moments of full blown crying fits..
There are times in life that have to remind us how strong we are and being away at school as reminded me of my strength and determination. I have learned even with pain I can take care of myself and I am even stronger than I thought I was. Right now I am trying to just get through the semester and I am looking forward to summer. The concerts, warmer weather and the beach are all the things I love!